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By Corrupt TSN files for 1-7-09???
9:54:43 AM

Now that YouBet (I'm not allowed to use PTC as a Ca resident) is covering LRL and GPX and I've started downloading their files, it didn't take long to get an error 62. I'm guessing it has something to do with the Argentina simulcast races. Is there any work-around to get those files to work or should I contact TSN?

9:59:30 AM
TSN won't help... if the data is missing, there's nothing they can do about it. What you could do is open the PCS file in wordpad or notepad, and delete those records from the end of the file (assuming of course, that's where the problem is). Just be sure to work with a backup in case you mess something up.

6:22:43 PM
I've actually been very satisfied with TSN as I don't recall getting a single corrupt file in 2008. As for todays files- I guess I was wrong about the Argentina races causing the problem because PEN was corrupt as well. Maybe they hired a new guy/gal?? I doubt the problem is with my JCapper program as all other tracks calculated fine. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.

11:38:47 PM
Guys, Bris files I ran for today worked just fine.

If somebody would be so kind as to email me a TSN file that resulted in an err msg during a Calc Races I'd be more than happy to have a look... and code around it if possible.

jeff @ jcapper . com
(remove the blank spaces first)



10:06:07 AM
Did you get any errors doing a db update?

Also, I wasn't knocking TSN when I said they wouldn't do anything about it. What I meant was that there's nothing they can or should do about it. When this sort of thing has popped up in the past, it's not really a "corrupt" file, it's null data in fields that typically aren't supposed to be null.

In the past, when I've had data problems in files that were correctable, TSN has been very responsive in trying to get new files created and posted ASAP.

12:38:09 PM
Error 62 in VB generally carries a description that reads "input past end of file" - which is something that might happen in JCapper if the data file itself has a number of data fields for any one horse that is different from the 1435 fields per horse listed in the library section at the Bris site. So that's what I was kind of expecting to see...

Jens was kind enough to email a copy of today's LRL PCS file to me - which was throwing an error at his end.

I downloaded the file directly from his email, unzipped it, loaded it, ran a Calc Races... and of course it ran smoothly and all the way to completion without error.

Just for fun I logged out of the program (as me) and logged back into the program as him - and re-ran the file without error.

Needless to say right now I'm a little bit stumped.



~Edited by: jeff  on:  1/8/2009  at:  12:38:09 PM~

4:40:48 PM
I ran all TSN files for that day without incident.


5:08:14 PM

Same thing. Was able to run the files you sent for the 7th without incident.

On the off chance that the file causing the error isn't one of .pcs files... on the chance it happens to be one of the text files JCapper uses... unzip-these.txt, Scratches.txt, raceHeaders.txt, liveRunners.txt, ForBill.txt, or ForJeff.txt... if one of those files has become corrupted and unreadable -

Grab the latest program version from the message board when you get a chance - and do a download/reinstall. The installer should overwrite all of the text files with clean blank text files.

Give that a shot when you get a chance and let me know if that does the trick.



1:12:48 PM
It turns out that the problem was caused by using "quote marks" inside of Betting Instruction comments in the BettingInstructions field of the Profile Table.

Characters such as single and double quote are part of the SQL command set and have the ability to prevent VB/SQL from reading info from a database.

Removing the quote characters from the UDM in question did the trick.

In a future program version, the UDM Wizard will prevent users from keying illegal characters into the BettingInstructions field - just as it now does for UDM names.

Until that happens - recommend using letters and numbers only in the BettingInstructions field.




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