Today (Fri 05-24-2019) is opening day for Arizona Downs.
Track code or first three characters of data file name: "AZD" (without the quotes.)
Track_name in the scratches and changes XML: "ARIZONA DOWNS" (without the quotes.)
Screenshot of my TrackAbbrev table entry to enable parsing of the scratches and changes XML in Scratch BOT:
Fyi, Arizona Downs is located where Yavapai Downs used to be.
I tried pulling a satellite image of that location using Google Maps and came up with the following:
Hint: The above image isn't current. It shows what Yavapai looked like a few years ago.
I say that because if you use Google Maps and zoom in to the 50 ft level: You can see lots of cracks and ruts baked into what used to be the dirt surface.