I'll try illustrating the point behind creating this type of factor...
The following sample was pulled from a StarterHistory table containing HDW data for all starters 1/1/2011 through yesterday 5/19/2012. The results are for horses ranked 1st in my own UPR that also rank 1st or 2nd in both FormConsensus and EarlyConsensus (F07 and F19 in my sql factor setup respectively.)
The factor combination in the sample... UPR with EarlyConsensus and/or FormConsensus... figures prominently in many of my UDMs. I use it because it produces a decent GENERAL starting point (~30pct win rate and ~.90 flat win bet roi) from which to begin an assault on the pools.
The sample data is further broken out by numeric value for UserFactor3 (F33 in my sql factor setup.)
Note the flat win bet roi through much of the lower area of the sample - where F33 numeric value is less than 150. Also note the roi through much of the upper area of the sample - where F33 numeric value is greater than 250. Those are the sweet spots -although the sweet spot at the upper edge of the sample ( >=250) is mostly a newer development.
query start: 5/20/2012 12:33:34 PM query end: 5/20/2012 12:34:36 PM elapsed time: 62 seconds ` Data Window Settings: Connected to: C:\JCapper\exe\JCapper2.mdb 999 Divisor Odds Cap: None ` SQL: SELECT * FROM STARTERHISTORY WHERE RANKUPR=1 AND RANKF07 <= 2 AND RANKF19 <= 2 ` ` Data Summary Win Place Show Mutuel Totals 40921.40 40013.90 39271.20 Bet -43894.00 -43894.00 -43894.00 Gain -2972.60 -3880.10 -4622.80 ` Wins 6704 10878 13479 Plays 21947 21947 21947 PCT .3055 .4956 .6142 ` ROI 0.9323 0.9116 0.8947 Avg Mut 6.10 3.68 2.91 ` ` By: SQL-F33 ` >=Min < Max Gain Bet Roi Wins Plays Pct Impact -999.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0 0 .0000 0.0000 0.00 25.00 54.70 560.00 1.0977 52 280 .1857 0.6080 25.00 50.00 -66.40 3070.00 0.9784 357 1535 .2326 0.7614 50.00 75.00 -304.80 5450.00 0.9441 757 2725 .2778 0.9094 75.00 100.00 -231.10 6262.00 0.9631 864 3131 .2760 0.9034 100.00 125.00 -351.30 6522.00 0.9461 969 3261 .2971 0.9728 125.00 150.00 -270.20 6378.00 0.9576 996 3189 .3123 1.0225 ` 150.00 175.00 -584.50 5386.00 0.8915 850 2693 .3156 1.0333 175.00 200.00 -440.90 4124.00 0.8931 702 2062 .3404 1.1145 200.00 225.00 -373.00 2744.00 0.8641 475 1372 .3462 1.1334 225.00 250.00 -361.60 1664.00 0.7827 284 832 .3413 1.1175 ` 250.00 275.00 29.40 890.00 1.0330 206 445 .4629 1.5155 275.00 300.00 -18.40 472.00 0.9610 106 236 .4492 1.4704 300.00 325.00 -9.00 200.00 0.9550 47 100 .4700 1.5386 325.00 350.00 -32.00 82.00 0.6098 17 41 .4146 1.3574 350.00 375.00 -16.00 70.00 0.7714 16 35 .4571 1.4966 375.00 400.00 2.50 20.00 1.1250 6 10 .6000 1.9642 400.00 425.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0 0 .0000 0.0000 425.00 450.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0 0 .0000 0.0000 450.00 999999.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0 0 .0000 0.0000
The objective was to develop a unique factor strongly correlated to how the public bets the races. I think of the lower area of this sample (repellant less than 150) as contenders that repel public money.
This UserFactor isn't a game changer by any stretch of the imagination. But it does provide a unique look at the data - and it does a reasonably good job of predicting which horses the public will like - as well as which horses the public will turn their noses up at.
~Edited by: jeff on: 5/20/2012 at: 4:40:48 PM~