JCapper Silver FAQs Frequently Asked Questions about
JCapper Silver and HDW Data Files

--January 05, 2016

Q. How do I get started?

A. The first step would be to download and install a free copy of JCapper Silver onto a pc or laptop.

Important Links:

Downloading and Installing JCapper Silver - link here:

Shorten the learning curve - work through the Class Outline in the Demo User Quick Start Guide - link here:

Free back data download - link here:

Link to JCapper Silver program "get started" page:

Q. What's the best way to shorten the learning curve?

A. The best way to shorten the learning curve is to work through the exercises in the JCapper 101 Class Outline found in the Demo User Quick Start Guide Help Doc.

Link to the Demo User Quick Start Guide Help Doc where you will find the JCapper 101 Class Outline:

Q. Can I try out the JCapper Silver software without spending money on data?

A. Yes. In the JCapper 101 Class Outline there are links to back data downloads like this one at http://www.jcapper.com/SampleRaceDayData_06212012.html courtesy of HDW.

By providing free back data and chart result files courtesy of HDW the idea is that you will be able to:
  1. Work through the exercises in the JCapper 101 Class Outline at your own pace while learning the basics of operating the JCapper Silver software.

  2. Decide for yourself if you think JCapper can help improve your game.
After working through the exercises in the JCapper 101 Class Outline you'll be in a much better position to make a decision about the JCapper software.

You'll also be in a much better position to reach a decision about HDW as a data provider.

Q. How do I sign up for an HDW Data Plan?

A. Call up HDW and tell them you are interested in an HDW-JCapper Silver Data Plan. The guys at HDW will answer any questions you may have about the data or the available data plans.

HDW (Handicappers Data Warehouse) Contact Info:

HDW Inc.
100 Farmers Bank Square
Suite 120
Georgetown, KY 40324

phone: 502-570-0333

email: rontiller@hotmail.com

email: HDWInc@gmail.com

Q. What are the key differences between JCapper Silver vs. JCapper Platinum?

A. The following chart illustrates the key differences between the two programs:

Key Differences between JCapper Silver and JCapper Platinum:

JCapper Modules JCapper
Live Play Module N Y
Impact Values Table Interface N Y
Impact Values Table Wizard N Y
UPR Tools N Y

Main Module
HDW File Manager Y Y
File Downloader Y Y
File Unzipper Y Y
Card Loader Y Y
Manual Changes Module Y Y
Scratch Parser Y Y
Scratch Bot Y Y
Profile Marker Y Y
HTML Report Builder Y Y
HTML Report Viewer Y Y
Past Performance Generator Y Y
Help Doc Viewer Y Y
Data Folder Manager Y Y
Dutching Tool Y Y
Database Builder Y Y
Quick Index File Extract Tool Y Y
Data Window Y Y
Free Form Data Entry Sheet Y Y
Profile Table Interface Y Y
UDM Wizard Y Y
User Sys Defs Screen Y Y
SQL Mode Factor Setup Wizard Y Y

Top Tier JCapper Factors JCapper
Alchemy N Y
JPRClass N Y
PRating N Y
UserFactors N Y
BettorsToteProb N Y
E~BettorsToteProb N Y
Early Consensus N Y
Late Consensus N Y
Form Consensus N Y
Class Consensus N Y
Fig Consensus N Y
Power Consensus N Y
Opt Points N Y
StageReadiness N Y
QRating N Y
PScore 1 Y 1 Y 1
SilverRating Y Y

Basic JCapper Factors

Early Speed
Run Style Y Y
Speed Points Y Y
BestE2 Y Y
AvgE1 Y Y
V1 Y Y
CPace Y Y

Compound Pace Array
CompoundE1 Y Y
CompoundE2 Y Y
CompoundLate Y Y
CompoundAP Y Y
CompoundSP Y Y

Speed Figures
LastRaceSpeedFig Y Y
SpeedFig (Best 3) Y Y
SpeedFig (Best 10) Y Y
PaceLine Y Y
TPace Y Y
PaceFig Y Y
LateSlant Y Y
WeightedFig Y Y

Recent Activity Days Last Race Y Y
Recent Activity Days Last Work Y Y
FormCycle Y Y
SpeedCycle Y Y
NewPaceLow Y Y
NewPaceTop Y Y
BasicFitness Y Y
FormRating Y Y
Workout Brilliance Y Y

ClassRating Y Y
Consistency Y Y
PClass Y Y
RaceStrength Y Y

Rider Y Y
Owner Y Y
Trainer Y Y
XthStartRider Y Y
XthStartTrainer Y Y
CXNRating Y Y

Dam Y Y
Damssire Y Y
Sire Y Y
Siressire Y Y
Pedigree Rating Y Y

Equipment Y Y
Medication Y Y
AgeOfHorse Y Y
Sex Y Y
Lifetime Starts Y Y
Surface Y Y
Distance Y Y
Track Y Y
Field Size Y Y

Notes: The above is a partial factor list. All of the above can be used in Data Window queries and in UDMs.

1 Pscore in JCapper Platinum and PScore in JCapper Silver are different. PScore in JCapper Platinum is a better indicator for overlay potential than PScore in JCapper Silver.

Q. Do I need JCapper Silver in order to read and/or open the data files?

A. Yes. Even if you plan on using your own app or a third party app other than JCapper as your primary means of handicapping – At a minimum you would need to install a free copy of JCapper Silver onto a pc or laptop.

From there you would:

a. Use JCapper's DFM (Data Folder Manager) to set a Current Active Data Folder to designate where files downloaded from the HDW site will be saved to.

b. Use JCapper's HDW File Mgr module to log into the HDW site, queue up and download files available for download on the HDW site that you don't already have on your Current Active Data Folder, and download them to your Current Active Download Folder.

c. Use The File Build Filter Tool in the HDW File Mgr module to run .JCP and .XRD File Build Routines – which when run exports comma delimited text data and result files out onto the Current Active Data Folder (as persisted in your JCapper DFM.)

Once you learn how to perform the above tasks (I refer you back to the JCapper 101 Class Outline in the Demo User Quick Start Guide Help Doc mentioned above) you will have gained the ability to download data and results files from the HDW site and get data and result files onto your hard drive in a comma delimited text format compatible with JCapper as well as many other programs and spreadsheets currently in use.

There are two types of files that you'll be downloading from the HDW site:

1. HDW Race Data Files. One zip file per race card. Inside each zip file is one race file per race. These files arrive on your hard drive in a proprietary binary format readable only by JCapper.

All versions of JCapper ship with a module called the HDW File Mgr. This module has a built in HDW File Download Tool that enables you to log into the HDW site and using a Synch to Disc button very quickly queue up Race Data Files available for download on the HDW site that you don't already have on your hard drive and download them to the current active data folder on your hard drive as persisted in the DFM.

The HDW File Mgr module has a secondary interface called the File Build Filter Tool that very quickly lets you set parameters for (start date, end date, and file type) and then run a .JCP File Build Routine.

When this routine is run: HDW Binary Race Files (matching the start and end dates selected from a calendar control) are read into memory and comma delimited text .JCP files (again matching the start and end dates selected from the calendar control) are exported out onto the current active data folder on your hard drive as persisted in the DFM.

.JCP files are comma delimited text, 1435 data fields per horse record, and are compatible with many other programs in addition to JCapper.

Data inserted into .JCP files is partially customizable by the user via the JCapper Enhanced Settings Module.

Field mapping for .JCP files is always available to members of the JCapper user community and is published here:

2. HDW Text Chart Result Files. One zip file per race card. Inside each zip file is one chart file per race card. These files arrive on your hard drive in a comma delimited text format readable by a wide variety of programs including JCapper.

All versions of JCapper ship with a module called the HDW File Mgr. This module has a built in HDW File Download Tool that enables you to log into the HDW site and using a Synch to Disc button very quickly queue up Text Chart Result Files available for download on the HDW site that you don't already have on the Current Active Data Folder on your hard drive as persisted in the DFM and download them to the Current Active Data Folder on your hard drive as persisted in your DFM.

The HDW File Mgr module has a secondary interface called the File Build Filter Tool that very quickly lets you set parameters for (start date, end date, and file type) and then run a Results File Build Routine.

When this routine is run:

a. The zip files containing the HDW Text Chart Result Files (matching the start and end dates selected from a calendar control) are read into memory and the the HDW Text Chart Result Files matching those same parameters are extracted out onto the current active data folder on your hard drive as persisted in the DFM.

b. The HDW Text Chart Result Files (matching the start and end dates selected from a calendar control) are read into memory and comma delimited text .XRD result files are exported out onto the current active data folder on your hard drive as persisted in the DFM. HDW Text Chart Result Files are comma delimited text (255 data fields per horse record), and are compatible with a wide variety of programs in addition to JCapper. .XRD Result Files are comma delimited text (255 data fields per horse record), and are compatible with a wide variety of programs in addition to JCapper.

Field mapping for HDW Text Chart Result Files is always available to members of the JCapper user community and is published here:

Q. The files I've seen from a download of sample data do not have column headings. Are column headings for each file provided?

A. Column headers are not inserted into the files themselves. Doing that would "break" many of the existing programs out there that aren't expecting column headers in the files.

That said, Field Mapping for all JCapper files and tables (with the exception of the HDW binary race file per Equibase contract) is available to members of the JCapper user community. (See below.)

Q. Is Field Mapping provided?

A. Yes.

Field Mapping for JCapper files and database tables:

Field Mapping for .JCP file:

Field Mapping for HDW text chart results file:

Field Mapping for JCapper StarterHistory (Access) table created during JCapper SQL Mode Build Database routines:

Field Mapping for JCapper pl_profile.txt file created during JCapper Build Database routines:

Field Mapping for Daily Export ForBill.txt and Forjeff.txt files created during JCapper Calc Races routines:

Q. How are HDW/Cramer speed and pace figs derived?

A. HDW/Cramer speed and pace figs are based on velocity in feet per second and a unique info model.

In North American racing - thoroughbreds typically run the first (quarter mile) fraction of their races at or near peak velocity. From there, they gradually decelerate throughout the remainder of the race. Speaking in general terms, higher class horses have the ability to carry their speed further or decelerate less than lower class horses. Conversely, lower class horses lose velocity faster (or decelerate more) with added distance than higher class horses. Further, not all track surfaces are the same. Some surfaces are deeper and more tiring than others. The more tiring the surface - the more rapid the loss in velocity during the latter stages of the race for the horses that run on it.

On fast surfaces, and particularly fast surfaces on course layouts with long runup distances, many thoroughbreds are capable of covering the opening quarter mile fraction of a 6 furlong race in 22.00 seconds or less. There are 1320 feet in a quarter mile. A horse covering the opening quarter mile of a 6 furlong race in 22.00 seconds is traveling at an average velocity of 60.00 ft per second.

The HDW/Cramer speed and pace fig info model takes the unique approach of asking the following questions:
Q1. If a horse could maintain velocity in feet per second reached during a specific segment of the race being evaluated - not just for that specific segment of the race - but for the entire race distance - with no deceleration whatsoever - all the way to the wire - what would its final time project out to?

Q2. Given projected final time under those circumstances - what would that horses's speed figure be?

HDW/Cramer F1 (fraction one) Pace Figs
The HDW/Cramer F1 (fraction one) pace fig for each running line is based on an info model that says F1 (fraction one) pace fig is equal to the final time speed fig that would have been earned had the horse been able to maintain velocity in feet per second reached during the specific segment of the race being evaluated - in this case fraction one - not just for fraction one - but for the entire race distance - with no deceleration whatsoever - - all the way around the track to the wire.

In the case of the example horse presented above:

If a horse runs fraction one of a 6 furlong race in 22.00 seconds - or runs that segment of the race at an average velocity of 60.00 feet per second - and were able to maintain that velocity - not just for fraction one - but for the entire race distance - all the way around the track to the wire - with no deceleration whatsoever - its projected final time for 6 furlongs would be: 1:06.00 (or one minute and six seconds flat.)

The HDW/Cramer F1 pace fig for that horse would be equal to the final time speed fig awarded for running 6 furlongs in 1:06.00 on that track surface given the level of competition faced.

HDW/Cramer F2 (fraction two) Pace Figs
The HDW/Cramer info model for F2 (fraction two) pace figs is based on the same thought process - except that instead of using velocity in feet per second for fraction one - velocity in feet per second for fraction two is used.

HDW/Cramer F3 (fraction three) Late Pace Figs
The HDW/Cramer info model for F3 (fraction three) - or Late Pace Figs - is based on the same thought process - except that instead of using velocity in feet per second for fraction one - velocity in feet per second for the final 3/8ths of the race is used.

HDW/Cramer Final Time Speed Figs
The HDW/Cramer info model for Final Time Speed Figs is based on the same thought process - except that instead of using projected final time - the horse's actual final time for the race distance is used.

All HDW/Cramer speed and pace figs (F1, F2, and F3/Late) as well as HDW/Cramer Final Time Speed Figs are based not just on raw time but do include proprietary adjustments for track variant and level of competition faced.

The HDW/Cramer info model results in F1 (first fraction) and F2 (second fraction) pace figs scaling out higher than F3 Late Pace Figs and Final Time Speed Figs.

For example, under the HDW/Cramer info model, American Pharoah earned the following speed and pace figs during his 2015 Triple Crown run:
	                         F3  SPD
	Race          F1   F2  Late  Fig
	------------ ---  ---  ----  ---
	Belmont      138  122   127  115
	------------ ---  ---  ----  ---
	Preakness    203  188   37   112
	------------ ---  ---  ----  ---
	KY Derby     167  149   59   100
	------------ ---  ---  ----  ---

The way the HDW/Cramer figs scale out can take some getting used to. (F1 and F2 pace figs are typically higher than late pace figs and final time speed figs.)

That said, I have been using HDW/Cramer speed and pace figs since mid 2009 - and I will tell you in no uncertain terms that my own results at the windows these past six years have been noticeably better than my results from the previous six years when I was still using Brisnet figures.

I hope I've managed to answer these frequently asked questions in a straightforward manner.

--Jeff Platt

  Last updated January 05, 2016


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