Database Handicapping Software- JCapper JCapper Get Started Instructions
JCapper Platinum
For a Free 90 Day Demo of JCapper Platinum 2025 or JCapper Silver 2025 contact me directly:

Jeff Platt
JCapper Program Author

858-766-0255 (cell)

jeff @ jcapper . com
(remove the blank spaces first)

JCapper Silver
Link to JCapper Silver FAQs and a download link to a Free HDW Only version of JCapper Silver:
JCapper Silver FAQs There you will find:

1. Instructions for downloading/installing a FREE copy of JCapper Silver. This copy of JCapper Silver is not a demo. There is no expiration date. It is a "live" program, fully database enabled - and it runs on HDW data.

2. Download links to a few hundred race cards (both data and results files) of FREE back HDW data. This means that you can evaluate JCapper Silver for as long as you want without spending your own money on data.

3. Links to JCapper Videos and Help Docs.

Inside the Demo user Quick Start Guide Help Doc you will find the JCapper 101 Class Outline. The best way to shorten the learning curve (and get up to speed in the shortest amount of time possible) is to work through the exercises in the Class Outline - going at your own speed - one topic at a time - mastering each topic as you go.

After completion of the Class Outline, you should come away with an understanding of not just how to perform the basic functions necessary for JCapper program operation - but you should also come away with a very strong sense of what JCapper can do - what database handicapping is all about - and how you might be able to use JCapper databases to elevate your game.

If at some point while working through the Class Outline you decide that JCapper Silver is right for you: simply contact HDW for a data subscription - and you can begin downloading live JCapper Silver data immediately. (There's nothing further to buy from me. The JCapper Silver program itself is yours FREE with an HDW data subscription.)

If at some point while working through the Class Outline - or after you begin downloading from HDW - you decide to purchase a copy of JCapper Platinum (and at this point you should have a strong sense that JCapper is VERY right for you) then shoot me an email and we can go from there.

• If at some point while working through the Class Outline you decide JCapper isn't for you, simply uninstall JCapper and go your own way.

Please know that if you take the time to email me (even if your feedback is negative) I will take the time to THANK YOU for taking a look.


Jeff Platt
JCapper Program Author

jeff @ jcapper . com
(remove the blank spaces first)

updated 02-22-2025

Downloading Files from the HDW Site (and building comma delimited text .JCP Files)
I’m guessing one of the first things you will want to do is learn how to use the File Download Tool in the HDW File Mgr Module to download files from the HDW Site and run .JCP and .XRD File Build routines to create comma delimited text files that are not just JCapper compatible – but are compatible with other programs as well.

Here’s a link to the JCapper BASIC section of the Videos page at

Hint: Watch all of the videos in the JCapper BASIC section including the one labeled: Downloading Files from the HDW Site (and building comma delimited text .JCP Files)

It’s just me doing voice-over while recording my computer screen. Most find it easier to learn how to operate the software watching it being run as opposed to picking it up from help docs – although there is a help docs page at too.

Link to Help Docs page at

Note: The Single best way to get yourself up to speed is to work through the Class Outline presented in the Demo User Quick Start Guide Help Doc.

My cell phone number is 858-766-0255. Feel free to call if you have questions or need help. Keep in mind that I’m on the west coast if you decide to call in the morning.

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To sign up for an HDW Data Plan contact me directly:

Jeff Platt
JCapper Program Author

858-766-0255 (cell)

jeff @ jcapper . com
(remove the blank spaces first)

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Creating a JCapper Message Board user Account:
Goto and click the link labeled Message Board. Then click one of the register links, and create an account for yourself. (Hint: Use YOUR NAME in the about me box.)

Once I see that it’s you I’ll activate your account (and give you access to the private area of the JCapper Message Board.)

General Inquires

Jeff Platt, JCapper Program Author
858-766-0255 (cell)

jeff @ jcapper . com
(remove the blank spaces first)

Copyright © 2025 JCapper Software