Database Handicapping Software- JCapper Add JRating - SQL HTML Report - SCREEN TWO
January 23, 2018
Add JRating - SQL HTML Report - SCREEN TWO
In the previous article, I illustrated using Screen One of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard to add JRating (or another factor) to the SQL Factor Setup.

In this article, I'm going to illustrate using Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard to add JRating (or another factor) to the SQL HTML Report. Of course, the ability to access JRating (so that you can add it to the SQL HTML Report) is restricted to the original 100 JCapper registered program owners only. If you are not JRating enabled, you can't access JRating as a factor and you can't add it to the SQL HTML Report.

However, the procedure illustrated in this article is the same for ALL of the factors that appear on the SQL HTML Report. So even if you are not JRating enabled, but want to learn how to add factors to your SQL HTML Report - read on.

Here are the steps for adding JRating (or another factor) to the SQL HTML Report:

1. Navigate to Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard - Picking up where we left off at the end of the previous article, click the NEXT button at the bottom of Screen One. This will cause navigation to Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard.

Screen Two -screenshot click here- of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard is an interface that:
  • On the left side of the interface, displays a complete list of factors that are available for display on the SQL HTML Report. This list of factors contains 1.) All of the factors that are "native" to the StarterHistory table and 2.) The 35 factors from your SQL Factor Setup (covered in the previous article.)

  • On the right side of the interface, displays 48 slot numbers that correspond to each "cell" on the SQL HTML Report along with the factor name persisted for display in each cell.
The interface for Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard works in a manner that is nearly identical to the one from the previous article (Screen One of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard.) Your job as a user is to select available factors from the left side and persist them to the right side.

Once a factor has been persisted to the right side of the Screen Two interface, that factor WILL be displayed (somewhere) on the SQL HTML Report.

2. To add JRating (or another factor) as one of the factors displayed on the SQL HTML Report:
  1. Select a factor for removal: Click the slot number on the right side of the interface for the factor that you wish to remove from the SQL HTML Report.

  2. Remove selected factor: With the selected slot number highlighted on the right side of the interface, click the Remove Factor button located in the center area of the interface.

    Note that as soon as you click the Remove Factor button, the slot on the right side of the interface for the selected factor becomes empty. That's ok. We will be adding JRating (or another factor) to that slot in a moment.

  3. Highlight a factor to be added: Click the factor name on the left side of the interface for the factor that you wish to add (in this case JRating.)

    Note that as soon as you click a factor name on the left side of the interface, that factor name becomes highlighted.

  4. Add selected/highlighted factor to right side of interface: With the new factor name highlighted on the left hand side of the interface, click the Add Factor> button located in the center area of the interface.

    Note: As soon as you click the Add Factor> button, the factor highlighted on the left side of the interface will appear in the open slot on the right side of the interface. You now once again have 48 named factors displayed on the right side of the interface (one for each cell on the SQL HTML Report.)

    Note: When you first navigate to Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard, the factor names and slot numbers displayed on the interface are those from the default SQL HTML Report included with the latest program version downloaded by you.

    Note: Factor names and slot numbers persisted from inside of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard are persisted to tables inside of the following file: c:\Jcapper\Exe\JCapper2.mdb -- Be aware that you can use the JCapper2 Imports Module to import SQL Factor Setup and SQL HTML Report Layout data from a source JCapper2.mdb file and have it written to the target JCapper2.mdb file of your choice.

  5. Reordering of Factor Names on the Right Side of the Interface: Even though Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard contains visual elements that are nearly identical to those found on Screen One for reordering factor positions on the right side of the interface, and even though those visual elements make it possible to insert factors direrctly into target cells for display on the SQL HTML Report -- If you are repositioning more than one or two factors on the SQL HTML Report, I strongly suggest not attempting to use the Screen Two interface for this purpose.

    If you are positioning more than one or two factors on the SQL HTML Report: I recommend you use Screen Three of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard (also known as The Stacker interface) for positioning factors on the SQL HTML Report.

    The reason should become clear to you once you navigate to Screen Three of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard and see the interface itself. (The Screen Three interface is laid out in a way so as to visually mimic the SQL HTML Report Layout itself.) In my opinion as the program's author, because you can work visually, the Screen Three interface is easier to work with vs. the Screen Two interface (which is based on positioning factors on the SQL HTML Report numerically.)

  6. Save Your Work!: Once you are happy with the factor names on the right side of the interface to be displayed on the SQL HTML Report, click the SAVE button.

  7. Alternately, abandon Your Work. If you are unhappy with the factor names on the right side of the interface and you do not want to continue: DO NOT click the Save button.

    Clicking the RESET button instead will reset slot numbers and factor names back to where they were when you first launched this screen. Clicking the EXIT button without clicking the SAVE button (and answering No when prompted to save your work) will get you out of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard without saving your work.
This Screenshot -click here- shows Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard with JRating persisted to the right side of the interfafce in cell #10 (meaning that it will be displayed in cell #10 on the SQL HTML Report.)

At this point, we are done with Screen Two of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard. JRating has been persisted for display in cell #10 on the SQL HTML Report (even though we may not want that factor to appear in cell #10 and even though we have not yet defined HOW that factor will be displayed.) We are now ready to navigate to Screen Three of the SQL Factor Setup Wizard by clicking NEXT.

BACK to the Factor Reassignment Screen --click here--

NEXT... Screen Three Instructions --click here--



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